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NEW Independent Project Blog #1

November 2, 2011

I changed my mind on the project I want to work towards!!!!

I have noticed that hamburger buns mold faster then anything else! I have to keep them in my refridgerator or they will always mold before we use them all. And I’m not talking about a couple green spots.. I mean it is COVERED in mold. This just happened and I really wish I had taken a picture to show you, but unfortunately I threw it away. I am really interested in figuring out why this type of bread molds so much quicker than all the others. I also buy regular Kroger wheat bread and it never molds before I use it all, and it’s not like I use it all in a few days.. it’s usually at least a couple weeks. These two breads are kept on the same shelf in the same pantry, so I know the difference in the molding can’t be related to their location; it must have to do with their ingredients.

 I’m going to start by comparing ingredients in different types of bread and seeing if there’s sosmething absent in one type, but present in the other, or if there’s a difference in the amount of certain ingredients. Then I’ll be observing how fast each type molds as well as how much mold they grow. I’m also going to bake some bread and see if that molds in less time or more time than store bought breads this will be helpful because I will know exactly how much of each ingredient goes into the homemade bread.

I will be taking a lot of pictures of this process so you can follow me and see which types of molding and which types aren’t. I’m really excited to see what I can figure out!!!

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